Feedback: compliments & complaints

We’d love to hear about what you think we are doing well. But we also want to hear if there is something that is not working for you so that we can make things right and do better.

Anyone can make a complaint about any aspect of services provided by IDEA Services. Most often, they come from people we support (including people who have left services), and those acting on behalf of a person we support - usually family/whānau, people in their natural network, staff members, advocates, or welfare guardians.

Complaints may also be raised by members of public like neighbours or others who witness something that they are concerned about.

Complaints can be raised directly to any IDEA Services staff member or manager. It is important that people we support know they have the right to make a complaint and be supported to do so.

Complaints do not need to be in any particular format, and can be made verbally, non-verbally, or written on paper or electronically. It is the responsibility of all staff and managers to recognise complaints when they are raised.

Complaints may also be raised to an external agency like Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People, Ministry of Social Development or to the Health & Disability Commissioner. The external agency may refer those complaints to IDEA Services for resolution.

Staff can provide you with the following resources that have been developed by IDEA Services:

If you have a complaint about IDEA Services, please first talk to your local staff who will escalate it to their manager if that is required.

If you are unhappy with progress of the complaint, please contact:



IDEA Services Quality Team
PO Box 4155
Wellington 6140


0800 442 442 (ask for the Quality Team)

About our complaints process

When we receive feedback, concerns or complaints, we will:

  • Take them seriously.
  • Be impartial and see things from that person’s perspective.
  • Keep the feedback, concerns or complaints confidential unless there is a safety risk that requires limited disclosure of the information provided.
  • Treat the person we support and/or the person acting on their behalf with respect and refrain from defensive or retaliatory conduct.
  • Involve the person we support and keep them informed throughout the complaints process.
  • Resolve any issues as early as possible.
  • Follow the cultural guidance as it applies to the person we support and/or the person acting on their behalf.
  • Acknowledge any mistakes we have made, apologise for them and put them right if we can.

Health and Disability Commissioner

You can also make a complaint to the Health and Disability Commissioner at any time. There are advocates who can help you to make a complaint and support you through the complaint process. Advocates are independent and provide a free service to people using health or disability support services.

Complaints: 0800 11 22 33 |  Email:

Advocacy: 0800 555 050  |  Email:


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

You can make a complaint in any form. The first step is to raise the matter locally with your Support Worker or Service Manager, or by reaching us via one of the channels above.

Can I make a complaint on behalf of someone?

Yes, we are happy to hear from anybody who wants to raise concerns about services. If you are complaining on behalf of a person, we will need to inform them of your complaint, and we may need to ask for their consent to share information through the complaints process.

How much will it cost?

Nothing. It does not cost anything to make a complaint to IDEA Services.

What if I don’t feel as though my complaint has been resolved?

We will raise it to senior management, for example an Area or Regional Manager or the Chief Operating Officer. You can also refer your complaint to the HDC as outlined above.

Complaints brochure

More information on the complaints process

Download PDF

Complaint form for people we support (Word doc)


Complaint information for people we support (PDF)
