EGL process

Supported Living

Enabling Good Lives and Mana Whaikaha

Enabling Good Lives (EGL) is a new approach to supporting people with disabilities that offers greater choice and control over the support you receive.

MidCentral DHB region

If you live in the MidCentral DHB region you may be able to use Mana Whaikaha, which is the EGL prototype currently offered in that area.

Christchurch and Waikato

There are also EGL programmes in the Christchurch and Waikato areas.

Are you already using Mana Whaikaha or EGL?

If you are already using Mana Whaikaha or EGL, then come and talk to us. We want to know about your interests, the activities you want to do and how you want to live your life. This could include living options, employment or recreational activities.

More information

To find out more about what could work for you, please visit the Disability Support Services or Enabling Good Lives websites.

Additionally, you can phone 0800 693 342 to connect to your nearest centre or visit the NZ Federation of Disability Information Centres website for contact details.

To find out more about needs assessments, visit the Disability Support Services website.