IHC welcomes funding boost for students

Media release

4 August 2020

IHC welcomes today's announcement by Associate Education Minister Tracey Martin that some students with learning support needs will benefit from a substantial increase to Ongoing Resourcing Scheme funding.

IHC Director of Advocacy Trish Grant says IHC hears from families and schools that ORS funding and teacher aide allocations are too low.

"These difficulties can result in disabled children being turned away at the door. Students and schools need better funding to ensure that the welcome mat is rolled out and access to education guaranteed."

IHC applauds the move to allocate teacher aide hours based on individual need, Trish says.

"Whether the $160m increase over the next four years to ORS funded students will be enough to meet student and school need remains to be seen."

The next step for Government will be to review the ORS funding policy itself given the difficulties with the criteria, which mean that many children who need additional support to learn and be at school miss out.

"However for now this is a step in the right direction," Trish says.

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